Thursday, April 15, 2010

My pilot episode: the shortened version

Today I have become a self important person. Ride along my coat tails as I blog about the mundane events of my life.
Today I attended the first writing conference I have ever been to and they told me to start a blog. The very idea seemed counterproductive to me at first. So many people whine about there lives to the internet as of it had feelings. If it could really respond, I would think it would say shut up to most of us. There are earthquakes, starvation, and exploitation that haunts every corner of the world with just the fringes of it creeping in websites and advertising. If the internet had a soul, it would scream "World look at what you are!!! You are typing your worries into a screen with no heart and none of the afflicted have voices." So why in the world would a person like me blog?
I am glad I could ask myself that question. I am a pre-med student about to graduate from undergrad who loves to write. Much of my academic life is a fight between the love of facts and the longing of adventure. There is only so much adventure found with in the human body. The disruptions of homeostasis are fascinating. However, to express the passions of one's heart could very well be dangerous if say you wrote with a scalpel. For lack of a desire to be put in a straight jacket, I choose to be dichotomous. I am doing this to discover voice so maybe I can be words for someone else. I believe good writing should allow the reader to escape their aituation and put on someone else's skin for a while. It was the only way I survived the angst-filled years of hormone therapy known as middle school. Some of us never got over those days, even at almost 22, I am still a boy-crazy idiot. It is just a new field, with new equipment.
Anyways, the whole point of this exercise is to develop voice in the void where nothing is said and to create a place where people can step outside of themselves into my world of awkward interactions (I experience many) and misplaced moments in time.
Today I spent the majority of my time learning about writing about tragic moments and adding to the pages of book we are writing. Many of the seminars really inspired me to live outside of spending hours and hours memorizing body parts and chemical mechanisms. After the sessions I decided to get sushi at the restaurant conveniently placed across the street of my hotel with three friends. This place looked like a take-out box with the word "sushi" written on the outside, so I thought of all the nasty microorganisms that may take residence in cheap asian cuisine. However to relieve much of my worries, the inside was an incredible oasis of ritzy pseudo-Korean American paradise. It was a wonderful time with friends filled with sarcasm as all worthwhile moments tend to be. We began to walk back to our hotel and my eyes fell to the most incredible calves in the world. I only began to look at peoples calves because someone once told me that I have ninja turtle calves. Anyways, without thinking I told this male-friend, "You have incredible calves."
To this, He became sheepish and began to run away. He even giggled. Somethings sound better in between our ears.


  1. You know, they really are nice calves... kudos for pointing them out, MJ. WIN. Anywho. High-five to awkward moments and sarcastic friends. Here's to many more blogs encouraged by emo-prone writers. Huzzah!

  2. Wow! I've never read anything you've written before... but this was lovely! :) Some tpyos but yeah. I like how you word things. :P And what the internet is thinking about us whiners. Blog more!! ;) you need a plaaaatform!!!

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed the conference and it got you started blogging. The internet is for whiners, but there are plenty of cool peeps also, and an outlet is always good for someone to have. Best of luck for your blog, will be following it!
