First of all, I love how white I am.... go pasty northerners everywhere. I was really excited about this trip because there were not a lot of guys going on it. It was going to be this amazing opportunity to forget all of the seemingly worthless boys who wouldn't know how to be men if their lives depended on it (sorry all you good guys, little bits of bitterness here).
However, I was delighted to find out that one of our security guards was incredibly attractive. Game over. I think I sometimes think I exaggerate the foreign aspect of some males. Well ladies... I guess you can tell me for yourselves. This is shameless, I know. The ridiculousness of it all makes me happy inside.
So for days, I simply smiled at this guy. I then told the leader we were living with that I just thought he was so attractive. She laughed and said he got that all the time. One evening I came back for a long day of clinics and one of the translators had put a bedi on my forehead. The security guard's eyes grew twice as big as he smiled from ear to ear. I soon found out that he was Hindu. I also soon found out that he knew I thought he was cute. At that point, I decided that I was going to talk to him. I said, "Hi my name is MJ." To which he responded, "Hi my name is (fill in name)" This is when I started to tell him it was a cool name and asked what it meant in Hinde. To which he responded, "My name is (fill in name)." He did not know much English. I was so mortified that I total clammed up and said, "Well have a good night (fill in name)" I basically ran away and he even told the leader that it was awkward. If you are awkward with male interaction, it doesn't matter if you go to the other side of the world. You are still awkward.
Oh well, at least I got a picture. Maybe in the next life.... if he doesn't reincarnate into a cow...